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Crowned Republic
Crowned Republic was launched as an educational site directed at understanding the Australian Crown as an integral part of our constitutional system. The indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown was established in 1901 and affirmed by the people in 1999. It is part of a broader educational project to inform Australians about their constitutional system, the role of the Australian Crown in it and the Australian Flag.
Donations to support this work are most welcome and may be made on this site. Crowned Republic is an initiative of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy, an audited, not-for-profit profit corporation limited by guarantee formed in 1993 and registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, ACN 059 527 776. ACM’s accounts are filed with AISEC, and ACM files income tax returns and is part of the GST system, ABN:49 059 527 776.
Australians for Constitutional Monarchy
- Australia’s largest constitutional monarchist organisation
- ACM has been audited in each and every year since its inception in 1993
- Consistently presents the winning arguments for the retention of the Crown & the flag
- Called for the largest demonstration ever held on this issue when over 20,000 protested against the expulsion of the NSW Governor from Government House
- Continued the fight relentlessly until the Governor returned
- Led a united front of all monarchist groups at the 1998 Constitutional Convention (ACM received 72% of the monarchist vote)
- Built up a support base of more than 55,000 across Australia to fight the referendum on the ground
- Established from Sydney a network of full-time directors and offices in Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne and Hobart to coordinate the referendum campaign in each of the states and the ACT
- Drafted the winning No Case in the official Yes/No booklet sent to every voter
- Devised the winning slogans for the campaign, all based on sound legal and constitutional argument
- Provided advertising additional to that of the funded No Case
- ACM was awarded eight of the ten seats of the Vote No Committee to administer the $7.5 million grant for referendum advertising (the other two seats went to Republicans opposed to the Keating-Turnbull republic), because of the large vote gained in the Convention election
- The engine room for the winning No case in the 1999 referendum, meeting daily to secure victory
- Led the constitutional monarchist movement since, being the only organisation— monarchist or republican— to hold a national conference every year since the referendum and to hold them in different cities across the nation.